Signed in as:
The Lucas County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society was founded July 1976. It is a nonprofit organization whose purposes are to foster interest in and the preservation of historical and genealogical materials of Lucas County, Ohio; and to encourage personal family research which adheres to a high standard. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in genealogy and family history, regardless of experience.
2024 Executive Board
Chairman - William J Priest
Vice-chair - Connie Ayers
Secretary/Treasurer - Don Hengen
Chuck Gozdowski
Carol Knoblauch
Ruth Koons
Ruth Martin
William J Priest
Committee Chairmen
First Families of Ohio
John Rose -
First Families of Lucas County
John Rose -
The name of this organization shall be the Lucas County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
The Purpose of the Chapter shall be to promote the study of genealogy, foster an interest in and preservation of historical and genealogical material of Lucas County, to encourage individuals to research their heritage, to promote education, to support the state society's projects whenever possible.
Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all persons interested in history and/or genealogy who shall be enrolled through the payment of dues.
1. The Executive Board of this Chapter shall consist of eight trustees. From within this Board, there shall be elected four officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of the Chapter.
3. No trustee may serve more than three consecutive years as the same officer, except the Treasurer who may serve for up to five consecutive years. No trustee may serve more than 10 consecutive years on the Executive Board.
4. A member of the Chapter, who is an officer or trustee of the Ohio Genealogical Society, may serve as a voting trustee, but may not Chair the Executive Board.
5. Vacancies in the Board that occur between annual elections shall be filled by appointment from the Executive Board.
6. Following the November meeting, outgoing officers shall turn over all records and books pertaining to their offices, Chapter properties, etc., to the newly elected Executive Board. The Treasurer’s books shall be audited, and in turn, the Trustee shall file a report of that audit at the first meeting in February.
7. If an extended interruption of the normal schedule, of at least three months durration occurs, by events in the form of a pandemic, political unrest, or natural disasters, the executive board members will continue to serve until their successors can be elected.
1. Regular meetings and programs of the chapter shall be open to the public, and will be held as designated in the Standing Rules.
2. The Annual Meeting shall be held in November.
3. Special business meetings may be called by the Chairman, a majority of the Executive Board, or by petition of 10 members in good standing with a minimum notice of seven days to all members.
4. Eleven members present at any regular or special meeting for which the notice has been given to all members shall constitute a quorum. Said notice shall be as stated in the Standing Rules.
5. Virtual meetings may be implemented, if deemed necessary, but elections or special votes may only occur at in-person meetings called for such purpose.
The Chapter may establish and utilize such means of communication as the members consider feasible to publicize its activities, encourage membership, and create interest in local records. These may include a newsletter, website, email, social media and other publications or communication methods as will promote the stated goals of the Chapter.
1. This chapter is organized as a non-profit organization as defined by the State of Ohio, but is not tax-exempt under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
2. No part of the income of the Chapter shall be used to the benefit of individual members, trustees or officers. Chapter funds are to be used only to the benefit of all members or to further the mission of the Chapter as expressed in Article II.
3. Upon dissolution of this Chapter, all funds and tangible assets, or revenue from the sale of such assets, shall be given to the Local History and Genealogical Department of the Toledo/Lucas County Public Library.
The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Chapter may adopt.
1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of the Chapter, provided due notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all members 30 days in advance.
2. Standing Rules, when adopted by the Chapter, may be amended at any meeting of the Executive board, provided that prior notice has been given to all Board members.
1. Members of Lucas County Chapter are encouraged to also be members of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
These Bylaws were adopted October 1995; amended January 18, 1997; reviewed by Executive Board on January 10, 2002; adopted by membership on March 16, 2002; reviewed by the Executive Board on in November 2011; adopted on 21 January 2012; reviewed by the Executive Board on 16 February 2019; adopted by membership on 16 March 2019, reviewed by the Executive Board on 18 Sept 2021; adopted by membership on 16 Oct 2021.
Standing Rules of the Lucas County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Membership is open to any person with historical and/or genealogical interests in Lucas County and elsewhere.
1. Meetings shall be held on the third Saturday of each month with the exception of January and December.
2. Meeting shall be held at 2:00 p.m. in the meeting room of the Main Toledo/Lucas County Public Library, 325 Michigan Street, unless members are notified otherwise.
3. Eleven members present at a regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum after all members have been notified of the meeting.
4. Meetings shall function generally in accordance with the current edition of ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED.
Annual dues payable in January shall be:
Single ... US $15.00 / Family ... US $20.00 (two or more people at the same address receiving one newsletter)
The Executive Board shall be comprised of eight Trustees. From within this Board, there shall be elected four officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Board shall transact Chapter business affairs as outlined in the Bylaws and Standing Rules. A member of the Executive Board will handle announcements at regular monthly meetings of the Society.
1. The Chairman shall preside at Executive Board meetings, perform duties generally required of the office, and shall oversee business between regular meetings.
2. The Vice Chairman shall assist the Chairman in all ways, and perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence or incapacity of that officer. The Vice Chairman also shall determine the date and place of meetings and be responsible for programs.
3. The Recording Secretary shall keep records of all meetings. A copy of monthly Treasurer's Reports and of Committee Reports, shall be filed with the minutes of each regular meeting. The Recording Secretary shall also have available at all meetings up-to-date copies of the Chapter Bylaws and Standing Rules.
4. The Treasurer shall collect monies and disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Board and/or Chapter membership and maintain accurate records of the Chapter's financial transactions. Also, the Treasurer shall present a monthly financial report and shall act as chair of the Budget Committee.
5. The Trustees shall take care of Chapter properties, shall audit Treasurer's books after the November meeting, and shall file a report of the audit at the first meeting in March. Trustees shall act as resource persons for the Chapter. Other duties may be decided by the Executive Board as the need arises.
Budget Committee - The Treasurer shall serve as Chair and with two Trustees shall be responsible for making a thorough examination of the financial situation of the Chapter before preparing a budget.
First Families of Lucas County - Shall encourage and counsel applicants in assembling paperwork to authenticate membership in First Families of Lucas County, approve applications and deposit papers at the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library Local History Room and assure integrity of the file.
First Families of Ohio - Shall encourage and counsel applicants in assembling paperwork to authenticate membership in First Families of Ohio and approve applications before submitting them to the Ohio Genealogical Society.
Hospitality - Shall arrange for refreshments at each meeting.
Meeting Notices - Shall arrange e-mail notices or telephone calls to members prior to each meeting and shall arrange for special notifications as needed.
Membership - Maintain membership records and encourage membership in the Chapter.
Newsletter - Shall prepare, produce and distribute FORT INDUSTRY REFLECTIONS on a quarterly basis. Members are encouraged to contribute materials, but their publication will be at the discretion of the editor.
Nominating Committee - Shall consist of a Trustee, who shall serve as Chair, and with two additional non Executive Board members, appointed by the Executive Board at the September Chapter meeting. The committee shall present a slate at the October meeting and additional nominations may be made from the floor at the October and November meetings, prior to voting at the November meeting.
Publicity - Shall see that notices for meetings and special events are given as much media coverage as possible.
Research - Shall function as liaison for questions addressed to the Chapter, taking follow-up actions as necessary and billing for expenses, and shall report such activities to the Executive Board.
Special Projects - Shall coordinate, oversee and encourage special projects for the benefit of the Chapter.
Webmaster - The Webmaster shall make arrangements for hosting the Chapter’s web site on the Internet. They shall create, design, maintain, and determine the content subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
These Standing Rules were adopted October, 1995; amended January 18, 1997; reviewed by Executive Board on January 10, 2002; adopted by membership on March 16, 2002; reviewed by Executive Board in November 2012; adopted 21 January 2012.